
My name is Julien. I am a data scientist and machine learning enthusiast. Data is awesome, and all we need to do is use it smartly. Easier said than done ;)

I started programing during my Masters, which turned out to be quite useful throughout my PhD in Neuroscience & Psychology. Since then (10 years already!), I have been working on diverse data projects, both as team member & leader.

Currently, I work at Orsay, a retail company where I implement data-driven marketing processes, and develop new tools to increase our understanding of customer dynamics. I use Machine Learning approaches when necessary, while trying to find a good balance between interpretability and accuracy, keeping the "hype" in data science as much at bay as possible.

See my CV for more historical information.

I've come to realize that my research training is quite useful to approach business problems. From coding in Python or R, to statistical skills (frequentist and bayesian) and Machine Learning... all of that I learned in research is extremely relevant to address the different issues faced by data projects in business environments. I think both worlds have so much to learn from one another, and I am very happy I get to experience both!

I am also a PMP certified project manager, and a SCRUM master.

As such, I am really interested in topics of data management, and try my best to structure my work with the use of IDE, Git, and good documentation ("Documentation is a Love Letter That You Write to Your Future Self" Damian Conway).

Moreover, I focus strongly on articulating my projects in ways that are explainable and meaningful for non-tech stakeholders. Experience showed me that in >50% of the business cases, failure was due to a lack of communication at the beginning of the project, resulting in unsuited data products. Communication and alignement is key, and while it seems obvious, it saddly seldom happens in data projects.

Hit me if you want to talk! Presenting my data to all types of audience is something I am used to, at a conference, or around a nice cold beer. And I enjoy that really much, so don't hesitate to get in touch!

Contact: julien.hernandez.lallement@posteo.net

Research background: In the past, I spent 10 years doing research in neuroscience, in particular in the field of social neuroscience, trying to understand human social behavior. My most important piece of work demonstrated how emotions of others is evolurionary rooted in other species, and showed that particular brain areas are involved in acting upoon other's emotions. Check out the publications list if you want to know more.

As an academic data scientist, my work involved heavy data management, from experiment planing, data collection, extraction, munging and modelling. In 2019, tired of long hours in experimental rooms, I decided to turn the page of academia. Life is too long to have one single career ;)