By Julien Hernandez Lallement, 2020-03-02, in category Tutorial
In a previous post, I have presented the theoretical background of running a meta-analysis.
Here, I will using some of these equations to analyse a dataset collected in the lab.
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
On our project, we were interested to find which brain regions showed activation when individuals witnessed emotions in others (so-called emotional contagion, i.e., first building block of empathy, see here. I did this work together with Dr. Maria Carrillo, check out some of her work here.
The data was collected manually in most of the cases, because researchers are not always good at reporting all the necessary statistics to extract effect sizes. That mean that we had to go to the papers, with a ruler and a pencil, and measure the actual distribution's means and standard deviations. Fun at first, very fast very annoying... There are some good softwares that help you collect the data from pdf formats though, like WebPlotDigitizer.
Within a year of regular meetings and data compilation, we managed to screen and extract brain activation data (among other data, not discussed here) in approximately 150 research papers (of a total of 3000 papers screened).
# Set path
# Ubuntu
work_dir = "/home/julien/Documents/Projects/datasets/meta_analysis"
# Windows
#work_dir = "C:\\Users\hernandez\Dropbox (Personal)\Python\meta_analysis"
# Verify the path
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Print the current directory
print("Current working directory is:", cwd)
files = os.listdir(cwd)
df = pd.read_excel(io = files[files.index("Effect_size_pooled_c-fos_v2.xlsx")],
sheet_name ='c-fos_only',
header = 1,
index_col = None)
# lower case to avoid later conflicts
df.columns = [c.lower() for c in df.columns]
# display columns
What we have is a series of data features for each independent experimental group that we screened in the literature.
I will hard code the specie from which the data was collected, which will be our main spliting variable in this analysis. Indeed, we ended up with a relatively small dataset, which is not enough to look at how the other variables might have influenced brain activity.
# Create dictionnary of the species encoded
specie_dict ={0 : 'rat', 1 : 'mouse'}
# Map the binary coding onto the dictionnary
df['specie_str'] = df['specie '].map(specie_dict)
Then, I select the data of interest:
# Select data of interest
DOI = df[['study id','specie ',
'structure / tissue',
'standardized es',
'standardized es se',
'weight factor',
Below, a description of the columns:
study_id: single identifier of the study from which the data was extracted
specie: binary informing on the specie from which the brain activity was recorded
specie_str: binary string information informing on the specie from which the brain activity was recorded
structure / tissue: Brain structure from which the activity was recorded
structure_renamed: Renamed structure
standardized es: standardized effect size
standardized es se: standard error of the mean attached to the effect size
weight factor: weight facto
n: number of animals from which the data was collected
Now we are interested in computing the effect size, per specie and brain structure.
Let's look at how many data points we would have per category
.groupby(['specie_str', 'structure_renamed'])
.sort_values('n', ascending=False)
That's quite low for many structures (n of 1 will be hard to make meta-analytics...), but we can work with some of these structures that have more 2 or 3 effect sizes.
Seems though like there are much more effect sizes for rats than mice:
.count()['study id']
Yup. That is something typical in research literature though. Some models are widely used, leaving some areas of the knowledge unpopuplated. But still, we can move on and see what we get.
As explained in the methods, there are different steps needed in a meta-analytic process.
Below, I implemented these steps in python:
# This function will add a few computations to the dataset.
# Computations are self explanatory, and equations are in methods
def compute_meta_data(dataf):
return (dataf
.assign(vi_SE2 = lambda d: 1/d['weight factor']) # Equation 15
.assign(standardized_ESU = lambda d: d['standardized es']
* (1-(3/(4*(d['n'])-9)))) # Equation 9
.assign(wES = lambda d: d['standardized es']
* d['weight factor'])
.assign(wES2 = lambda d: d['weight factor']
* d['standardized es'] * d['standardized es'])
.assign(w2 = lambda d: d['weight factor']
* d['weight factor']))
# This function will compute, for each specie&structure, the random effect parameters
def compute_random_effects(dataf):
return (dataf
.apply(lambda d: pd.Series({
"sum_wi": d['weight factor'].sum(),
"sum_wi2": d['w2'].sum(),
"k": d['w2'].count(), #num studies
"wxES": d['wES'].sum(),
"wxES2": d['wES2'].sum()
# Compute the Q and v0 parameters (see methods)
def compute_random_variance(dataf):
return (dataf
.assign(Q = lambda d: abs(d['wxES2']-(d['wxES']**2/d['sum_wi'])))
# For struture with only 1 effect size, the denominator of v0 will
# automatically be equal to 0. hence v0 will not be computed.
.assign(v0 = lambda d: (d['Q']-(d['k']-1))/(d['sum_wi']-
# Turn v0 to 0 if negative (missing reference!)
def zero_if_negative(dataf):
num = dataf['v0']
num[num < 0] = 0
dataf['v0'] = num
return dataf
# Compute corrected parameters (see methods)
def apply_corrections(dataf):
return (dataf
.assign(v0_plus_vi = lambda d: d['vi_SE2']+d['v0'])
.assign(wi_corr = lambda d: 1/d['v0_plus_vi'])
.assign(wxES_corr = lambda d: d['wi_corr']*d['standardized_ESU'])
.assign(wxESsq_corr = lambda d: d['wi_corr']*(d['standardized_ESU']**2))
.assign(SE_corr = lambda d: (1/(d['wi_corr'])**0.5))
.fillna(0) # NaN are replaced by 0
.replace(np.inf, 0)
def calculate_constants(dataf):
return (dataf
.groupby(['specie_str', 'structure_renamed'])
.apply(lambda d: pd.Series({
"sum_wxES_corr": d['wxES_corr'].sum(),
"sum_wxESsq_corr": d['wxESsq_corr'].sum(), #num studies
"sum_wi_corr": abs(d['wi_corr']).sum(),
.fillna(0) # NaN are replaced by 0
.replace(np.inf, 0)
The function below computes the $I^2$ value, ie, percent of variation due to heterogeneity rather than chance. By convention, Q = 0 if Q < k-1, so that the precision of a random effects summary estimate will not exceed the precision of a fixed effect summary estimate, see Higgins & Thompson 2002
def I2(Q,dfg):
# if pd.isnull((Q < dfg)):
# I2 = 0
# return I2
# else:
return I2
def calculate_mean_se(dataf):
return (dataf
.assign(ES_mean = lambda d: d['sum_wxES_corr']/d['sum_wi_corr'])
.assign(SE_mean = lambda d: (1/d['sum_wi_corr'])**0.5)
.assign(z = lambda d: d['ES_mean']/d['SE_mean'])
.assign(high_CI = lambda d: d['ES_mean']+(1.96*d['SE_mean']))
.assign(low_CI = lambda d: d['ES_mean']-(1.96*d['SE_mean']))
# .assign(k_val = lambda d: d['w2'].count())#num studies
.assign(I_val = lambda d: I2(d['Q'],d['k']-1))
def calculate_number_es(dataf):
return (dataf
.groupby(['specie_str', 'structure_renamed'])
.apply(lambda d: pd.Series({
"k_val": d['w2'].count(),
# Compute & add meta variables to dataset
cfos_df = DOI.pipe(compute_meta_data)
# Compute & add random effect parameters
rand_df = (cfos_df
# Merge datasets
cfos_ana = pd.merge(cfos_df, rand_df, on=['structure_renamed','specie_str'])
cfos_ana = apply_corrections(cfos_ana)
# Compute constants for each structure
constants = calculate_constants(cfos_ana)
cfos_ana = pd.merge(cfos_ana, constants, on=['structure_renamed','specie_str'])
# Compute mean & se for each structure
cfos_ana = (cfos_ana
# Calculate number of ES per structure
nES = (cfos_ana
cfos_ana = pd.merge(cfos_ana, nES, on=['structure_renamed','specie_str'])
# Sample dataframe
# By convention, Q = 0 if Q < k-1, so that the precision of a random effects summary estimate will not exceed the precision of a fixed effect summary estimate
cfos_ana.loc[cfos_ana['Q'] < (cfos_ana['k_val']-1), 'I_val'] = 0
# Prepare data for plotting
to_plot = (cfos_ana
.drop_duplicates(subset =["specie_str", "structure_renamed"], inplace = False)
#.groupby(['specie_str', 'structure_renamed'])
to_plot = to_plot[['specie_str',
# Visualize higher effect sizes per species
.apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(["ES_mean"], ascending = False))
#import plotnine as p9
import plotnine as p9
from plotnine import ggplot, geom_point, aes, theme, element_text, save_as_pdf_pages
p9.options.figure_size = (6.4, 4.8)
# Plot the effect sizes for each structure, separately for each specie
(p9.ggplot() +
p9.geom_point(data = cfos_ana,
mapping = p9.aes('structure_renamed',
) +
p9.facet_wrap("specie_str") +
theme(axis_text_x=element_text(rotation=90, hjust=1))
Thats's about it! In this notebook, I tried to summarize some equations and practices one might use when running meta-analysis. This work was my own doing, and I do not ensure that all mathemathical implementations are 100% correct, although I reference the papers from which the equations were taken from whenever I can.
I hope you enjoyed it, and do not hesitate in contacting me if you have questions, commentaries, or spot an issue or some room for improvement!
The functions described in this post can be found in the following repo: